National and international standardization


The work of the Crop Protection Technology Research Group is mainly, directed toward the development and implementation of test methodologies and the identification of acceptability limits of the main types of machinery and components for the distribution of plant protection products.

Representatives of the Laboratory participate in the work of ISO/TC 23/SC6 (Equipment for crop protection), CEN/TC144/WG3 (Mobile machines and trailers) standardization groups of ISO WGs 5, 16 and 17, and the Crop Protection Working Group of ENTAM (European Network for Testing Agricultural Machines).

EN and ISO standards that have been approved and are in the process of approval or revision that have or have had the working group as proposer and/or among the main drafters and contributors include:

  • EN ISO 19932: Equipment for crop protection – Knapsack sprayers – Part 1: safety an environmental requirements; Part 2: Test methods
  • EN ISO 28139: Equipment for crop protection – Knapsack combustion engine-driven air-blast sprayers – Safety and environmental requirements;
  • ISO 12809: Crop protection equipment – Reciprocating positive displacement pumps and centrifugal pumps;
  • ISO 22401: Equipment for crop protection – Method for measurement of potential spray drift from horizontal boom sprayers by the use of a test bench;
  • EN ISO 16119: Agricultural and forestry machinery – Environmental requirements for sprayers; (parts 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • EN ISO 16122: Agricultural and forestry machinery -Inspection of sprayers in use (parts 1, 2, 3, 4)
  • ISO 22368: Crop protection equipment — Test methods for the evaluation of cleaning systems — Part 1: Internal cleaning of complete sprayers; Part 2: External cleaning; Part 3: Internal cleaning of tank
  • ISO 21278: Equipment for crop protection — Induction hoppers – Part 1: Test methods; Part 2: General requirements and performances limits
  • ISO 5682 Equipment for crop protection — Spraying equipment — Part 1: Test methods for sprayer nozzles; Part 2: Test methods to assess the horizontal transverse distribution for hydraulic sprayers; Part 3: Test method to assess the performance of volume/area adjustment systems; Part 4: Test Methods for Tank Agitation
  • ISO 21191: Closed transfer systems. Performance Specifications
  • EN ISO 17962: Agricultural machinery – Equipment for sowing – Minimization of the environmental effects of fan exhaust from pneumatic systems

The CEN WG3 Secretariat has set up two specific ad hoc groups for the secretariat is Italian to review the draft texts of two new proposed standards :

  • prEN 17745:2022 – Agricultural end forestry machinery: environmental requirements for granule applicators of Plant Protection Product;
  • prEN 17744:2022 – Agricultural end forestry machinery: environmental requirements for dusters;

Among the UNI (Italian National Body for Standardization), the working group was the main proponent and extender of the following standard:

  • UNI 11797: Crop protection machinery – Test methodology for measuring the potential drift generated by sprayers for tree crops.

National and International standardization Gallery

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